Sexually Transmitted Diseases publishes original, peer-reviewed articles on clinical, laboratory, immunologic, epidemiologic, sociologic, and historical topics pertaining to sexually transmitted diseases and related fields. Reports from the CDC and NIH provide up-to-the-minute information. A highly respected editorial board is composed of prominent scientists who are leaders in this rapidly changing field. Included in each issue are studies and developments from around the world.


Lippincott Williams & Wilkins is pleased to publish Sexually Transmitted Diseases for the ASTDA. For more information, please click on the following:


Sexually Transmitted Diseases is a peer-reviewed journal that welcomes the submission of papers on clinical, laboratory, immunological, epidemiological, behavioral, public health, and historical topics pertaining to sexually transmitted siseases and related fields. The Journal publishes original articles, case reports, reviews, editorials/commentaries, letters, photographs.

Learn more about submission guidelines here.

The Real World of STD Prevention

The Real World of STD Prevention is a special section in Sexually Transmitted Diseases that provides an editorial framework for articles focusing on STD clinical and prevention practice and the science-to-program interface. The process of translating scientific research into practice is complex. While science influences best practices that are in turn adopted by the medical community, in the real world this process is not entirely linear. We understand that STD clinical and prevention practice is shaped by a multitude of factors, including feasibility, cost, and available resources, among others.

This section is a collaborative effort between the journal and STD Prevention Online, with articles made available free simultaneously on both the journal website as well as STD Prevention Online. We encourage readers of the journal and members of STD Prevention Online to consider submitting manuscripts for publication in this section. Manuscripts submitted or solicited for this section will be held to the same high standard as other manuscripts submitted to the journal and will go through the same peer-review process.


Early Career Investigators

The future of STD research lies in the development of the next generation of investigators focusing on STD. To develop investigators, we need to stimulate interest and motivate young investigators to choose STD as their area of focus. As one effort to accomplish this goal, the ASTDA and Sexually Transmitted Diseases created an award to recognize excellence in STD-related research by an early career investigator. This award is the Best STD Paper by an Early Career Investigator, to be presented annually at the ASTDA awards ceremonies.

To be eligible for this award, lead (first) authors must declare themselves as an early career investigator during the registration process to submit their manuscript. Our definition of an early career investigator is a current graduate, medical, or other professional student; postdoctoral fellow including clinical fellows; or a junior faculty member within 2 years of training completion. If your paper is accepted for publication in STD, then it is automatically entered into the competition. The selection of a winner is a two-step process: 1) the associate editors and the editor-in-chief will nominate one to two accepted articles that were directly handled by them; and 2) these articles are then sent to our editorial board to vote for their first, second and third place papers. Votes are tallied and verified by two individuals.