The 2020 STD Prevention Conference brings together program staff, scientists, clinicians, youth-serving professionals, and state and local public health administrators working in STD prevention and control. Join more than 1,200 conference attendees for four days of scientific updates and cutting-edge sessions on science, program, and policy.
As the situation with COVID-19 has evolved, the 2020 STD Prevention Conference Planning Committee has decided the 2020 STD Prevention Conference will no longer take place in-person but will be moved to a virtual platform. Since we are not able to safely convene large groups for the foreseeable future as a result of the pandemic, we are taking these necessary precautions to ensure the health and safety of attendees, speakers, exhibitors and all staff involved per guidance from the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
At this time, we intend to extend the dates of the conference to September 14-24, 2020 to ensure a successful virtual program and are working on the final logistics. More details and information will be shared as they are available. Speakers and poster presenters will be contacted in the next few weeks with information about their presentations. Please continue to visit our website for the latest developments.